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Produkt zum Begriff Profiling:
LISP Network Deployment and Troubleshooting: The Complete Guide to LISP Implementation on IOS-XE, IOS-XR, and NX-OS
Implement flexible, efficient LISP-based overlays for cloud, data center, and enterpriseThe LISP overlay network helps organizations provide seamless connectivity to devices and workloads wherever they move, enabling open and highly scalable networks with unprecedented flexibility and agility.LISP Network Deployment and Troubleshooting is the definitive resource for all network engineers who want to understand, configure, and troubleshoot LISP on Cisco IOS-XE, IOS-XR and NX-OS platforms. It brings together comprehensive coverage of how LISP works, how it integrates with leading Cisco platforms, how to configure it for maximum efficiency, and how to address key issues such as scalability and convergence.Focusing on design and deployment in real production environments, three leading Cisco LISP engineers present authoritative coverage of deploying LISP, verifying its operation, and optimizing its performance in widely diverse environments. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience supporting LISP deployments, they share detailed configuration examples, templates, and best practices designed to help you succeed with LISP no matter how you intend to use it.This book is the Cisco authoritative guide to LISP protocol and is intended for network architects, engineers, and consultants responsible for implementing and troubleshooting LISP network infrastructures. It includes extensive configuration examples with troubleshooting tips for network engineers who want to improve optimization, performance, reliability, and scalability.This book covers all applications of LISP across various environments including DC, Enterprise, and SP.Review the problems LISP solves, its current use cases, and powerful emerging applicationsGain in-depth knowledge of LISP’s core architecture and components, including xTRs, PxTRs, MR/MS, ALT, and control plane message exchangeUnderstand LISP software architecture on Cisco platformsMaster LISP IPv4 unicast routing, LISP IPv6 routing, and the fundamentals of LISP multicast routingImplement LISP mobility in traditional data center fabrics, and LISP IP mobility in modern data center fabricsPlan for and deliver LISP network virtualization and support multitenancyExplore LISP in the Enterprise multihome Internet/WAN edge solutionsSystematically secure LISP environmentsTroubleshoot LISP performance, reliability, and scalability
Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective
If you are a programmer, you need this book.You've got a day to add a new feature in a 34,000-line program: Where do you start? Page 333How can you understand and simplify an inscrutable piece of code? Page 39Where do you start when disentangling a complicated build process? Page 167 How do you comprehend code that appears to be doing five things in parallel? Page 132You may read code because you have to--to fix it, inspect it, or improve it. You may read code the way an engineer examines a machine--to discover what makes it tick. Or you may read code because you are scavenging--looking for material to reuse. Code-reading requires its own set of skills, and the ability to determine which technique you use when is crucial. In this indispensable book, Diomidis Spinellis uses more than 600 real-world examples to show you how to identify good (and bad) code: how to read it, what to look for, and how to use this knowledge to improve your own code. Fact: If you make a habit of reading good code, you will write better code yourself.
Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Code Quality: The Open Source Perspective
Page 26: How can I avoid off-by-one errors? Page 143: Are Trojan Horse attacks for real? Page 158: Where should I look when my application can't handle its workload? Page 256: How can I detect memory leaks? Page 309: How do I target my application to international markets? Page 394: How should I name my code's identifiers? Page 441: How can I find and improve the code coverage of my tests? Diomidis Spinellis' first book, Code Reading, showed programmers how to understand and modify key functional properties of software. Code Quality focuses on non-functional properties, demonstrating how to meet such critical requirements as reliability, security, portability, and maintainability, as well as efficiency in time and space. Spinellis draws on hundreds of examples from open source projects--such as the Apache web and application servers, the BSD Unix systems, and the HSQLDB Java database--to illustrate concepts and techniques that every professional software developer will be able to appreciate and apply immediately. Complete files for the open source code illustrated in this book are available online at:
Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 € -
LISP Network, The: Evolution to the Next-Generation of Data Networks
The complete guide to seamless anytime/anywhere networking with LISP In an era of ubiquitous clouds, virtualization, mobility, and the Internet of Things, information and resources must be accessible anytime, from anywhere. Connectivity to devices and workloads must be seamless even when people move, and their location must be fully independent of device identity. The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) makes all this possible. The LISP Network is the first comprehensive, in-depth guide to LISP concepts, architecture, techniques, behavior, and applications. Co-authored by LISP co-creator Dino Farinacci and Victor Moreno–co-developer of the Cisco LISP implementation–it will help you identify the opportunities and benefits of deploying LISP in any data center, campus and branch access, WAN edge, or service provider core network. This largely implementation-agnostic guide will be valuable to architects, engineers, consultants, technical sales professionals, and senior IT professionals in any largescale network environment. The authors show how LISP overcomes key problems in large-scale networking, thoroughly introduce its key applications, guide you through designing real-world solutions, and present detailed deployment case studies based on their pioneering experience. · Understand LISP’s core principles, history, motivation, and applications · Explore LISP’s technical architecture, components, mechanisms, and workflows · Use LISP to seamlessly deliver diverse network services and enable major advances in data center connectivity · Improve mobility, network segmentation, and policy management · Leverage software-defined WANs (SD-WANs) to efficiently move traffic from access to data center · Evolve access networks to provide pervasive, mega-scale, high-density modern connectivity · Integrate comprehensive security into the networking control and data plane, and learn how LISP infrastructure is protected against attacks · Enforce access control policies, connection integrity, confidentiality for data in flight, and end-point anonymity · Discover how LISP mobility mechanisms anticipate tomorrow’s application use cases
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
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Compiler Grundsätze, Techniken und Werkzeuge: das "Drachenbuch" von Aho, Sethi und Ullman gilt als das unumstrittene Referenzbuch des Compilerbaus. Das Autorenteam, verstärkt durch die weltberühmte Informatikerin Monica Lam, hat das Standardwerk in einer zweiten Auflage komplett überarbeitet veröffentlicht. Es bietet eine in allen Aspekten detaillierte Einführung in die Theorie und Praxis des Compilerbaus. Das Buch stellt, beginnend mit der Beschreibung der Grammatik einfacher Sprachen, die Grundideen vor, die hinter der Compiler-Technologie stehen und vertieft dann im zweiten Teil die vorgestellten Techniken. Die Autoren behandeln wichtige Themen wie die lexikalische Analyse, die Syntaxanalyse, Typüberprüfung, Zwischencodegenerierung, Codeoptimierung und Softwaredesign. Neu hinzugefügt wurden vier Kapitel, die sich mit der Laufzeitumgebung sowie den Besonderheiten moderner Prozessorarchitektur beschäftigen. Dieses geballte Wissen wird in Praxisbeispielen effizient zusammengeführt. Dabei wird die Verwendung der Werkzeuge wie lex und yacc in Beispielen demonstriert. Das ursprüngliche Drachenbuch stützte sich auf die Werkzeuge lex und yacc, um Compiler in der Programmiersprache C zu entwickeln. Um den heutigen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden, beinhaltet die Neuauflage das Übersichtskapitel 2, zusammen mit Anhang A, deshalb ein komplett in Java entwickeltes Compiler Front-End. Da die restlichen Kapitel (insbesondere Kapitel 3, 4 und 5) immer noch auf lex und yacc aufbauen, wurde in der deutschen Übersetzung der Anhang C hinzugefügt. Dieser stellt das Werkzeug SableCC vor, mit dem Lexer und Parser in Java erstellt werden können. Vorgestellt wird auch, wie man mit SableCC abstrakte Syntaxbäume generieren und Analysephasen implementieren kann. Der Anhang C sowie die CWS-Webseite zu diesem Buch enthalten zusätzliche Übungen. Diese Ergänzungen ermöglichen den Einsatz dieses Buches sowohl für die Lehre, basierend auf Java, als auch die praktische Anwendung des Wissens für Informatiker, die in Java entwickeln. Wahrlich ein "Drachenbuch" Dieses Buch richtet sich an Studierende und Praktiker aus der Informatik und an alle, die effizienten Code entwickeln wollen. Begleitend zum Buch dazu gibt es Lösungsansätze zu den Aufgaben und alle Abbildungen aus dem Buch als Foliensatz. Inhalt Struktur eines Compilers Evolution der Programmiersprachen Wissenschaft des Compilerbaus Anwendungen der Compilertechnologie Grundlagen von Programmiersprachen Ein einfacher syntaxgerichteter Übersetzer Lexikalische Analyse (neu) Syntaktische Analyse Syntaxgerichtete Übersetzung Zwischencodeerzeugung Laufzeitumgebungen (neu) Codeerzeugung Maschinenunabhängige Optimierungen Optimierungen für Parallelität und Lokalität (neu) Interprozedurale Analyse (neu) CWS Für Dozenten Alle Abbildungen als Foliensatz sowie ausgewählter Java Code Für Studenten Lösungshinweise zu den Aufgaben sowie ausgewählter Java Code
Preis: 55.99 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Advanced .NET Debugging
Mario Hewardt's Advanced .NET Debugging is an excellent resource for both beginner and experienced developers working with .NET. The book is also packed with many debugging tips and discussions of CLR internals, which will benefit developers architecting software. Jeffrey Richter, consultant, trainer, and author at Wintellect Mario has done it again. His Advanced Windows Debugging (coauthored with Daniel Pravat) is an invaluable resource for native code debugging, and Advanced .NET Debugging achieves the same quality, clarity, and breadth to make it just as invaluable for .NET debugging. Mark Russinovich, Technical Fellow, Microsoft Corporation The Only Complete, Practical Guide to Fixing the Toughest .NET Bugs Advanced .NET Debugging is the first focused, pragmatic guide to tracking down today's most complex and challenging .NET application bugs. It is the only book to focus entirely on using powerful native debugging tools, including WinDBG, NTSD, and CDB, to debug .NET applications. Using these tools, author Mario Hewardt explains how to identify the real root causes of problemsfar more quickly than you ever could with other debuggers. Hewardt first introduces the key concepts needed to successfully use .NET's native debuggers. Next, he turns to sophisticated debugging techniques, using real-world examples that demonstrate many common C# programming errors. This book enables you to Make practical use of postmortem debugging, including PowerDBG and other power tools Understand the debugging details and implications of the new .NET CLR 4.0 Master and successfully use Debugging Tools for Windows, as well as SOS, SOSEX, CLR Profiler, and other powerful tools Gain a deeper, more practical understanding of CLR internals, such as examining thread-specific data, managed heap and garbage collector, interoperability layer, and .NET exceptions Solve difficult synchronization problems, managed heap problems, interoperability problems, and much more Generate and successfully analyze crash dumps
Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Creality E3 Freeruns TMC2209 32bit Open Source Motherboard
Creality E3 Freeruns TMC2209 32bit Open Source Motherboard
Preis: 42.88 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
LISP Network Deployment and Troubleshooting: The Complete Guide to LISP Implementation on IOS-XE, IOS-XR, and NX-OS
Implement flexible, efficient LISP-based overlays for cloud, data center, and enterpriseThe LISP overlay network helps organizations provide seamless connectivity to devices and workloads wherever they move, enabling open and highly scalable networks with unprecedented flexibility and agility.LISP Network Deployment and Troubleshooting is the definitive resource for all network engineers who want to understand, configure, and troubleshoot LISP on Cisco IOS-XE, IOS-XR and NX-OS platforms. It brings together comprehensive coverage of how LISP works, how it integrates with leading Cisco platforms, how to configure it for maximum efficiency, and how to address key issues such as scalability and convergence.Focusing on design and deployment in real production environments, three leading Cisco LISP engineers present authoritative coverage of deploying LISP, verifying its operation, and optimizing its performance in widely diverse environments. Drawing on their unsurpassed experience supporting LISP deployments, they share detailed configuration examples, templates, and best practices designed to help you succeed with LISP no matter how you intend to use it.This book is the Cisco authoritative guide to LISP protocol and is intended for network architects, engineers, and consultants responsible for implementing and troubleshooting LISP network infrastructures. It includes extensive configuration examples with troubleshooting tips for network engineers who want to improve optimization, performance, reliability, and scalability.This book covers all applications of LISP across various environments including DC, Enterprise, and SP.Review the problems LISP solves, its current use cases, and powerful emerging applicationsGain in-depth knowledge of LISP’s core architecture and components, including xTRs, PxTRs, MR/MS, ALT, and control plane message exchangeUnderstand LISP software architecture on Cisco platformsMaster LISP IPv4 unicast routing, LISP IPv6 routing, and the fundamentals of LISP multicast routingImplement LISP mobility in traditional data center fabrics, and LISP IP mobility in modern data center fabricsPlan for and deliver LISP network virtualization and support multitenancyExplore LISP in the Enterprise multihome Internet/WAN edge solutionsSystematically secure LISP environmentsTroubleshoot LISP performance, reliability, and scalability
Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 €
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